What is the fire pump?

What is the fire pump?

What is the fire pump? A pump is a machine used to increase the pressure of a liquid or gas to transport them. It is also a device used to move liquids, gases, or special fluid media. That is a machine that works on fluids. It transfers the mechanical energy of the prime mover or other external energy to the liquid, increases the energy of the liquid. Pumps are mainly used to transport liquids including water, oil, acid and alkali, emulsions, suspension emulsions, and liquid metals. They can also transport liquids, gas mixtures and liquids containing suspended solids.

IMG 5676 - What is the fire pump?
fire pump set

Pump Application

Farmland irrigation, petrochemical, power industry, urban water supply and drainage, mining and shipbuilding industry, nuclear power generation, ship water jet propulsion, rocket fuel supply, etc.


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