How to correctly set up the fire pump? – Better Technology CO., LTD.

1. In general, fire pumps should adopt self-priming water absorption.
2. When the fire pump is directly pumped from the municipal pipe network, a backflow preventer with air partition shall be provided on the outlet pipe of the fire pump.
3. When there is no water absorption well at the water suction port, a swirl preventer should be installed at the water suction port.
4. A group of fire pumps should have no less than two suction pipes. When one of them is damaged or repaired, the other suction pipes should still be able to design flow through all fire water supply.
5, fire pump water pipe layout should avoid the formation of air bags.
6. A group of fire pumps should be equipped with not less than two water mains connected to the fire water supply loop network. When one of the water pipes is overhauled, the remaining water pipes should still be able to supply all the fire water supply design flow.

XBD HY W 2 - How to correctly set up the fire pump? - Better Technology CO., LTD.
XBD-W Horizontal Centrifugal Pump

7. The submergence depth of the water pump suction port should meet the requirements for the safety of the fire pump in the water level. The depth of the suction pipe bell under the effective water level of the fire pool should be determined according to the water flow speed and hydraulic conditions of the suction pipe bell mouth, but should not be determined. Less than 600mm. When using a cyclone preventer, the submerged depth should not be less than 200mm.
8. When the diameter of the water pump suction pipe is less than DN250, the flow rate should be 1.0-1.2m/s; when the diameter is larger than DN250, it should be 1.2-1.6m/s. When the diameter of the fire pump water outlet pipe is less than DN250, the flow rate should be 1.5m-2.0m/s; when the diameter is larger than DN250, it should be 2.0m-2.5m/s.
The above several items are the basic requirements for the setting of fire pumps. When we set up the fire protection system, we choose the fire pump, which also needs to be determined according to the needs. Of course, in addition to the above, there are many objective factors in the fire pump setting, more doubts, welcome to ask  Better Technology Co., Ltd.!


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