How to select the sewage lift pump? 9 parameters should be considered

How to select the sewage lift pump? What parameters should be considered?

We often wonder how are the rain on rainy days, the sewage from construction sites, the sewage from bathing, and the dirty water disposed of and discharged into the city’s pipelines. I will tell you that sewage treatment and discharge requires our professional sewage treatment equipment – sewage lift pump. And what kind of sewage pump is good, how should we choose the brand of sewage pump? Then I will explain to everyone that the quality of the sewage pump can be judged by nine kinds of performance.

First, the flow

The flow of the sewag lift pump refers to the displacement per hour, which can be selected according to your need. If you are renovating your home on the 100th floor and your home may have only one kitchen or one bathroom, then you only need to choose a normal flow rate of 5 – 10m3/h, of course, if you need to add more than one bathroom or discharge washing machine waste water, you can choose a sewage lifting device with a larger flow rate, and if you have the conditions, you can also choose a dual pump system. In public places, it is recommended to select the sewage lift pump with a double pump system.

Second, the head

The head of the sewage lift pump refers to the highest elevation of sewage. Is this the higher the better? Of course not, if you live on the ground floor, your room height may be only 3-5m, and then removing the pipeline losses, you only need to have a lift of 5-8m, but you need to ensure that the flow can still meet the requirements when the actual lift is 5-8m, otherwise many maximum lifts is only 5m, and the final flow will be very small and not good. All the integrated sewage lift pumps must pay attention to the flow and head curves.

Third, the over-current diameter

This refers to the maximum diameter of sundries that can be discharged from the drain pipe of the water pump, which is usually 10 mm if it is not connected to the toilet. If the vortex-type sewage pump connected to the toilet needs to ensure a minimum filter diameter of 50 mm, of course, a cutting-type sewage pump can also be selected.

These are three the most important parameters of the sewage pump. The next question is how do we judge the quality of the sewage lift pump? This involves other parameters of the sewage lift pump.

Fourth, the security level

The protection level of small sewage lift pump is IP44. Of course, the higher the protection level, the better. For example, the protection level is IP54 and the protection level is IP68. The higher the protection level, the higher the safety of the machine, the dustproof and waterproof performance.

Fifth, the box material

The box material of the general sewage lift pump is PP / PE / ABS. This depends on how you use it. The corrosion resistance of ABS is the highest. HDPE is more suitable for large boxes sewage pump. Do not to choose stainless steel welded boxes, because stainless steel boxes are only 2-3 mm thick. At last, the welds will crack in the vibration of the pump and leak at any time. Later maintenance is very difficult. General famous brands will choose to open the mold and cast the plastic box sewage lift pump, which is more corrosion-resistant and has no hidden leaking danger, but also because of the need to open the mold and so on, which requires a large investment and a certain technology. So at present, the basic conditions for making plastic boxes are well-known factories.

Sixth, heat dissipation

When the sewage lift pump is in operation, the rotation speed is very high and the heat degree is also very high. The heat dissipation capacity becomes an important index to measure it, depending on the material of the motor and the material of the motor casing. Generally, the pumps of enterprises that are qualified to manufacture external sewage lift pumps are relatively reliable, because most of them do not have the dry operation and can only drop the pumps into the water to cool down. Therefore, the pumps that are generally made outside the water tank are better, and the pumps in the water tank are generally not too high in technical content and poor in heat dissipation.

1 3 - How to select the sewage lift pump? 9 parameters should be considered
WQ series non-clogging fixed submersible sewage pump

Seventh, start control

That is to say, no matter what conditions and how to control the sewage lift pump, liquid level control, and pneumatic control are the most common ones on the market. The small sewage lift pump is preferably pneumatic, the pneumatic control sewage lift pump will not cause floating ball winding and failure to start, and it is more accurate and controlled. Commercial sewage lift pumps preferably use the liquid level control to discharge wastewater containing fixed particles, such as feces. These are all common sense of choosing a sewage lift pump, in addition to these aspects, we also need to consider the following factors when choosing.

Eighth, the service life

Certainly, the longer the better, because replacement and maintenance are more troublesome. Many people began to buy some low-cost sewage lift pumps from small factories in order to save costs. The cost of maintenance and replacement in the last few years has exceeded the cost of buying a safer and more stable sewage lift pump product at that time. Therefore, we should try our best to choose a well-known sewage lift pump manufacturer with more reliable performance and not blindly pursue the price, otherwise, we will lose more financial costs in the end.

Ninth, maintenance

The failure of the sewage lift pump will still occur. If there are many problems, it is very difficult for many brands to repair. Many brands pump will have dirty interior walls after using for a period of time. Mainly to see the installation position of the pump, the general pump is the easiest to maintain on the outside of the sewage pump box, because it does not need to open the box at all during maintenance; of course, the price of the external sewage lifting equipment is much higher t

han the built-in one because of the external pump performance is excellent, the whole machine manufacturing cost is also higher; at the same time, whether the equipment has a backwash function, if you do not have the backwash recommended, carefully choose!

In fact, a sewage lift pump can also be installed in our home, because the sewage lift pump can clean the drain pipe and remove the wastewater and excrement generated by our daily use of water. When we choose a sewage lift pump, we should consider its convenience. We’d better choose a sewage lift pump that is easy to disassemble and clean and has its own cleaning function, so as not to cause sewage blockage and house odor when it fails. It is best to choose an internationally famous brand when buying. We should not only look at its quality, but also understand whether it is convenient to use.


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