Diesel engine fire pump inspection and daily management

Diesel engine fire pump inspection

In order to improve the diesel engine fire pump on the fire signal response capability, it is recommended to patrol once a week. Taking into account the water hammer effect and the
characteristics of the diesel engine itself, we should start the diesel engine at low speed, and then slowly accelerate to the fire required speed 1500r/min or (3000r/min).
When the water temperature, oil temperature can reach 60°C when the gradual deceleration, but still need to idle before stopping (300-750r/min) running 2=3min, so as to avoid
sudden shutdown due to supercharger overheating caused by supercharger bearing killed.
After parking, be sure to adjust the speed to 1500r / min, to prepare for fire needs.
As the diesel engine fire pump inspection process is more complex, so if there are no customer’s special requirements, we generally do not consider the design process of automatic inspection,
it is recommended that users use manual inspection mode!

3 - Diesel engine fire pump inspection and daily management
diesel engine fire pump

Diesel engine fire pump daily management

To ensure the reliability of the entire control system, improve the daily management is inseparable. Although the diesel engine fire pump has a high degree of automation, the
human destructive factors to make it lose the function of things often happen! Components damaged or lost, the time relay and charger parameters are incorrectly modified, the user has
to reflect! So the pump key to having someone to manage, but also to regularly check the equipment components are missing or damaged by other factors, and the parameters of the components
are scientific and reasonable.
•Automatic oil charge function: the user can install the oil pump, automatic control device, high oil level switch and low oil level switch to achieve the fuel automatic charge function
•Automatic alarm function: the user can choose a low oil level alarm switch, to provide a low oil level alarm signal.
•Suggest the user install the oil and water separator on the pipe of supply oil.
•In the tank connection, it is strictly forbidden to use ordinary raw materials to bring the seal to prevent the dissolution into the diesel engine, resulting in pipeline blockage.
•The tank should be installed position to avoid heat and vibration, as vibration causes the precipitate to appear and the heating causes a decrease in power.
•Consider firefighting requirements more than 1000L fuel tank recommended to be placed separately, isolated from diesel engine fire pump.
•Fuel temperature is an important factor in the good operation of diesel engines. Oil temperatures above 60°C can cause volume expansion, significantly reducing the fuel unit volume
Heat capacity so that the diesel engine output power is reduced should avoid the external heat source on the oil temperature.
•When the user installing, the tank should be installed the position the maximum suction head should not exceed 2 meters. The suction head of the output pump is calculated from the
bottom of the tank.
•The tank should avoid exposure, the tank should be placed away from the fire source, near the tank are not allowed to smoke, not allowed to produce a spark or flame, volatile
fuel can cause explosion Fried and the vicinity of the fuel tank should have the corresponding fire facilities (such as foam fire extinguishers, sand etc.) is strictly prohibited
water as fire material, suggest more than 2000L of the tank placed Should be approved by the fire department.


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