Construction of fire pump rooms in large shopping malls and high-rise buildings

In the era of diversified information, fire pumps are not a novel product as a safety-assured mechanical device, but it is also common that fire pumps have a pivotal role in people’s lives. Recently, the development of the Internet has led to the expansion of the economy and the sales channels for fire pumps have become more widespread. Industry insiders asserted that fire pumps are completely likely to set off another economic situation.

However, we all know that the quality of fire pumps is controlled by fire pump manufacturers. Then, what is the environment of fire pumps? How to grasp it? Below, Let’s talk about the construction of the fire pump rooms in large shopping malls and high-rise buildings.

1 2 - Construction of fire pump rooms in large shopping malls and high-rise buildings
fire pump rooms

First, some noise will be generated during the operation of the fire pump. In order to better isolate the noise, some soundproof building materials are required for effective sound insulation. In addition, some vibration isolation settings shall be made to avoid affecting the upper and lower or adjacent rooms.

Second, in order to better establish a communication channel with the local fire brigade, fire-fighting pump rooms need to be equipped with communications equipment.

Third, the fire pump room should be built at least two or more of the outlet pipe and connected to the ring of fire water supply pipe network to ensure that each pipe can independently obtain all the water in the pool.

2 - Construction of fire pump rooms in large shopping malls and high-rise buildings

Fourth, the layout of the fire pump room, foundation and pipe isolation, suction pipe and sump design and pump house drainage ditch, heating, lifting, ventilation should meet the fire code requirements. In addition, if the fire pump room is located on the ground floor, it is required that the evacuation door should be opened to the outside. When the fire pump room is set up in a basement or on a floor, the evacuation door should be closed to the safety exit.

Fifth. According to the “Code for the Fire Protection of Architectural Design” (GB50016-2006), the fire-resistant rating of an independently constructed fire pump room shall not be lower than Grade 2. The fire-pump room door shall adopt Class A fire doors. According to the “Code for Fire Protection of High-Rise Civil Buildings” (GB50045-1995), when fire-fighting pump rooms are installed in high-rise buildings, partitions with a fire-resistance limit of not less than 2.0h and floors of 1.5-h, shall be separated from other parts, and Install Class A fire door.

3 - Construction of fire pump rooms in large shopping malls and high-rise buildings
fire pump room

The premise requirements for the fire protection system of large shopping malls and high-rise buildings are perfect, and the quantity and quality of fire pumps quoted must have certain guarantees. In addition, the building where the fire pumps are located needs to be built according to the specifications. The above points are the typical requirements for high-rise buildings and large-scale buildings and large-scale fire-fighting pump valves. in addition to the above points, more fire-fighting pump house construction standards, please refer to the regulations of relevant national departments.


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